How-To: Install A Split AC Effortlessly

Split AC is a great way to keep your home cool and comfortable. This is easier to install, quieter, and more energy efficient than central AC. For the ductless AC units, the cooling unit is mounted inside while the compressor and condenser are installed outside using an AC outdoor unit fixing bracket . These two units are then connected by piping and power cable. This blog highlights ways to install ductless AC units at home. Set up the indoor unit Make a hole through the wall to take pipes from the indoor unit to the outside condenser. Mount the unit at least 7 feet above the floor and make sure there are 6-12 inches of open space on either side to let seamless airflow. A point to remember here is to avoid locations where there may be a gas leak or where oil or sulfur exists. Fix the mounting plate to an inside wall Decide where you want to fix the unit and mount the plate. Use a level to ensure it is mounted accurately. Mark the screw hole and make the drill to make a hol...