Refrigerant Vacuum Pump - A Critical Requirement for Purging Operations of AC and Refrigeration Systems

Air conditioners and refrigerators are the typical requirements of many - industries, stores, and other such premises. The users run them over the years and get them cleaned from time to time. However, these systems accumulate contaminants such as moisture and noncondensable gases that do not go away with a simple cleaning. The pollutants can cause serious problems such as internal icing and corrosion. Therefore, many of them use refrigerant vacuum pumps to purge such contaminants. How does a refrigerant vacuum pump work? A refrigerant vacuum pump is a rotary variant featuring two-stage operations. It eliminates air and moisture in two ways - 1. It physically draws air and water vapor from the system along with remnants of refrigerant gas. 2. It creates pressure to cause water or moisture to boil at room temperature and convert it into vapor to remove it from the system. The users evaluate its functioning in terms of pressure and vacuum of microns. The dual-stage refrigerant va...